Food Service Team

Welcome to Manawa School District's Food Service Page

Food Prices

(Per Day)
Elementary Students: $1.40
Middle/High School Students: $1.60
Adults: $2.66

(Per Day)
Elementary Students: $2.90
Middle/High School Students: $3.10
Adults: $4.47

Milk Per Day is $.40

The reduced price is $.30 for Breakfast and $.40 for lunch for all qualifying students in the District.

If you would like to see if you qualify for free and reduced please click here:

Free and Reduced Qualification Form
Please return form to your child's building Secretary.

If you would like to fill it out in skyward please follow these steps below:

Online Instructions

Breakfast/Lunch Menu

April Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Menus are subjected to change due to product availability.
Choice of milk is offered daily.
A variety of alternative Grab-n-Go meals are also offered daily.

If you have further questions please contact Brenda Suehs by email:

Email Brenda Suehs


Brenda Suehs
Food Service Manager