Policies & Guidelines
The School District of Manawa is guided by Bylaws and Policies as well as Administrative Guidelines. The District uses the services of NEOLA to help to manage and maintain the searchable link that hosts the District’s Bylaws and Policies. When searching a Bylaw or Policy, please type in a keyword or two in the search box. Any bylaws or policies containing your keywords or related information will then appear in a list for your review.
Search Bylaws & Policies
To search the bylaws and policies, follow these steps.
From the Table of Contents, select the area of interest by clicking on the corresponding number. For example, for Program select 2000.
From the Table of Contents of the selected area, click on the specific category of interest. For example, to view the Homework policy under Program, click on 2330.
Directions to Print
To obtain a clean print of a policy or guideline, follow these steps.
Right click on the desired guideline or policy number
Select "Open link in new tab"
At the top of the screen, click on the tab that has the number of the policy
After the tab is opened, right click on the page and select print